So.... Skool. Have you heard about it? If so, what do you think about it?
And... did you know you'll actually discover:
🍎 "...the behind the scenes information of how you can behold recurring commissions from Skool
without having your own Skool.
🍎 How to behold recurring commissions with via ZeroMoola out of pocket in a brand fresh way...
🍎 The skill of turning FOCUS, ZeroThinDimes and honk-honks into future bottom-line ThingsThatGoMoooo (plus a la, of course).
How, I hear
you think?
Welp, the dear boys created the first ever affiliate system where YOU can direct traffic to the place you want it best....
...and they give YOU a system to send people into our ThinDimesBegone! skool. From there you cat send them to the premium Skool which officially launches today .
End result? Commission from Skool!
This is a first of its kind as Skool does not have an affiliate program like this where a person like yourself can grow revenue to refer people to another EXISTING Skool.
good? I think so... James is grand at uncovering creative revenueOpps... and this one sounds no different. Mosey on by today!
Barb Ling, the Extraordinary Zero-Sleep-Required-Masterful-Marketer
Dennis Becker, the 5 Buck Guy
P.S. And the enhancements ... Mosey on By!
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