Hey there, Barb Ling from the DennisAndBarb Coaching goodness and brief, pithy and to the point:
Long long ago, back before the earth's crust cooled, I used to run a daily newsletter on my other account. And well, even though I will still continue keeping my VirtualCoach persona
alive and well, methinks come 2025, my main focus shall be... different.
How, I hear you ask? Y'see... something actually did change over the past few months.
Something that personally is extremely important to me and me family. And by dint of that thrilling concept of 6 degrees of separation... you as
What was that something? Well, of course knowing me, you know I have to leave that as an open loop so I can answer it tomorrow!
So there's that... and there's also what happened this week! In a nutshell, possibly walnut? I finally was able to indulge in catching the latest batch of episodes from Cobra Kai...gosh, I just plain adore that series ...
(fun fact, would you believe that prior to my ankle falling off (literally the day AFTER I gave a presentation at the 2012 E1KaDay event in Vegas which is another entire story by itself), I earned a Black Belt in Goju-ryu Karate?)
... for a whole bunch of reasons including the redemption arc, the ability to believe in oneself, the ability to overcome what you might think is impossible (and many other thingees). Fact is,
it reminds me of looooong loooong ago, back when I was "Ready Player Loser" - it really can be hard to give yourself permission to actually believe in yourself, aye?
But as always, I digress. There's a couple of updates I would like to share with y'all as well! And they include:
1.) Blue Friday! Yes, because we here at DAB always add in our own <ahem> zany personalities, we will be having a Blue Friday sale ...
errr... sometime? soon! And instead of your typical boring "please buy stuff at a discount" Black Friday sale, THIS will have quite the creative exciting Twist that I guarantee you have NOT seen anywhere else. Stay tuned! Next:
2.) Spread The Joy! Thank you all who responded to my earlier emails requesting your opinions about various thingees. Hopefully I've personally responded to all of you (if not, pls drop me a line) and one
thing I heard loud and clear was:
"Value! Humor! Mooses! (okay not mooses, I don't think I've ever told DAB about my mooses) where was I? Ah yes! Goodies! Insights!"
And you know what they say - "Split the Pain, Share the
No no, wait, that's what I say... hang on... ah yes! Most folks will say something like "Shared joy is double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow."
Welp, here at DAB, we know that sharing wins—whether it’s achievements, knowledge, or belief—is a Very Good Thing indeed! That’s why (once I figure out HOW), we’ll add a way for you to bring your friends along for your personal Hero's journey (only if you like,
of course). More friends mean bigger cheering sections—and the best revenue-boosting vibes for everyone involved. Woot!
Moving along:
3.) On a slightly serious note: 2025 is coming, right? So! I just created the following that I shared to my LinkedIn Profile: