Published: Sun, 11/24/24
Updated: Sun, 11/24/24
Hey there, Barb Ling from the DennisAndBarb Coaching goodness and brief, pithy and to the point:So yes indeed, our latest is now live! Can you believe, aWeber wanted to change me an extra 550% even though I'm grandfathered?In a nutshell... did you get an email that contained info like the following? An increase of 550%??
Massively Painful that was!!However... I simply just redirected all that angst and you know what?You now don't have to research anything like that! Just grab your time-saving 1 page cheatsheet:💎 Better Than aWeber? 2025 eMail Marketing Success!You are truly going to have quite the fun blast from the very first paragraph:and the knowledge you will gain? Fantastic. What are you waiting for?
Barb Ling, the Extraordinary Zero-Sleep-Required-Masterful-Marketer
Dennis Becker, the 5 Buck Guy
PS - It's live right now - PLR is an option as well, but even the personal version - it includes list-building giveaway rights too!. PPS. And hey, if you think any of your colleagues would enjoy the above, do feel free to forward this email to them! The more you know... the merrier... clickHERE to check it out right now.. 😀 Enjoy!
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