Hey there, Barb Ling from the DennisAndBarb Coaching
goodness and brief, pithy and to the point, okay, it's neither brief NOR pithy, but 'tis fun to read:
Apologies for missing yesterday - for once, heck froze over and I was quite asleep by, hmmm 9pm? (but got up at 4am!) so... here I am!
So! About that coolest thing you'll see, you've heard of work, I'm certain, and chances are you've heard of physics, BUT did you ever hear of, and I declare, "bouncing concrete tubes and bouncing
bags of concrete" aka this Twitter video:
🔮 Applied Physics at work
I don't know about you, but those actions were SO smart yet SO simple... it made me wonder:
do we do in marketing that could be simplified to the nth degree?"
Y'know, like trying to jump thru hoops to send email and neglecting tools like:
🔮 BadWord Checker
(Yep, I can't use the regular word because this
email could be degraded during sending. Blah).
Anywhos, it might make for something fun to think of - how can you streamline your word these days? Who knows what you'll come across?