Hey there,
Barb Ling from the DennisAndBarb Coaching
goodness and I hope the weekend has treated you grand!
Y'know, it's really really odd (to me at least) that we're fast coming up to the End of 2024. Where did the entire year go? Even more, errr, interesting to dwell upon, what will 2025 bring?
I mean, we have drones. Lots and lots of drones. Especially in the tri-state area.... drones. And apparently they're also showing up over London too. It reminds me a weeeee bit of when Covid
started making the rounds... in November of 2022, those "in the know" (aka yours truly) started hearing about it and the ickness it wrought in China, but until maybe April of 2023, nothing reaaaaally was made of it until boom! The beginning of America's closedowns started up.
I reaaaally hope that's not what's going to happen here. But one never knows.
Anywhos, let's also talk about some of the goodies we've pulled together!